Unfettered Beach Head v.10.06

Creating a personal web page within a personal site is an act of faith, but I am more than equal to the challenge. I just wish I had kept the old version of this page up to date. I did not, so I find myself again starting from scratch. Also, I have gained a new respect for property rights and the images on the older version of this page had questionable copyright. I wanted images that I created from the ground up with the GIMP and my own art work.

Also a lot has happened to me since I revised the old Unfettered Beach Head. After a grueling six month national academic job search, I ended up with a job in a city where I always wanted to live. The word for this in Hebrew is rachomones, and it means God's special mercy.

I have always wanted to live in Atlanta since I was twenty years old, but the last time I lived somewhere that I truely thought was extremely desireable was back in Ithaca when I was an undergrad at Cornell. I never thought I would get such a lucky break again, and yet on the morning of February 8, 2006 it happened.

Now what else, may you ask has happened to me. Well on December 14, 2004 I lost my beautiful blue cream half Siamese alpha kitty, Georgia. She was eighteen and quite frail. She died at home and I saw it coming because her litter pan was dry and she was quite clearly failing. Georgia went through a decline in the fall of 2004, and I remember at times feeling that the Angel of Death hovered over my apartment. For all that, Georgia, responded well to palliative care and was able enjoy life, given her diminising capabilities. This made nursing her in those last weeks, a very worthwhile project.

When Georgia died, she left a hole in my life. Hertzel, my boy of joy white tom kitty, missed her too. In April of 2005, I got Lysistrata who was living in a "hobby garage" in downtown Columbus, Georgia. She was a petite seven pounds (while pregnant. She never had the kittens. The vet aborted her and spayed her.) even when pregnant. I have no idea what she weighs now but beneath her classic brown tabby and white coat, Lysistrata is a cat made of iron. She has the world's most aggressive nuzzle and is always up for a lickie fight. Niether of my cats are deeply in to social meowing so this is a much quieter apartment than my apartment was when Georgia was alive.

I am still never married and childless, but no longer healthy as a horse. I got diverticulitis on March 18, 2005 and recovered, but diverticulitis means there are weak spots in the large intestine called diverticulosis. This means that there are foods I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT EAT, notably whole or chopped nuts and certain seeds including both sweet and popcorn. I have been eighteen months without a relapse of the inflamation or infection and hopefully I will stay relapse free for life. I lost a week of my life. I don't want to lose any more to being in a world of sick hurt.

Other than this, I am still a refernece librarian by trade and a web designer and computer geek by passion and inclination. I am an amateur student of cyberculture. None of the professionals can stand me. Such is life. I continue to post to my my blog regularly and to several other fora. I became a firm believer in self expression over community when I was ill used by and kicked out of a community called Brainstorms (No they don't get a link from me!). I have sworn vengance against all things Brainstormish and have rethought my ideas with regard to property rights, traditional values, the free enterprise system, and even my political views though I found that neither my religion nor politics was that amenable to change. I still take a stand against anything Brainstormish whenever I get the chance.

My journey of vengance has taught me a lot. I now keep a sketch diary and scan my images to make sig-tags. I have developed a great respect for Bill Gates due to MSN Groups. I have realized how important a place for self expression is, even for those who do not have the gift of gab or credentials that will sink a table or status and pull. MSN Groups and most other add sponsored media are the product of the free entrprise system, which is a proud and fine name for capitalism. I am pro free enterprise and pro copyright. I keep up the fight and probably always will.

Eileen H. Kramer also known as Roanna, Rowanna, and Ruddy Snake
October 3, 2006

Where to Go

Song is Luck be a Lady from the musical Guys and Dolls. Available at Hamienet.com

Back to the Unfettered Soul main page.

To the previous version of this page.

To an even older version of this page.

Espectro.com to send artistic e-cards

The Minneapolist Art Institute which has even more artistic post cards.

Groups for Everyone, not just those with the Brainstormish definition of social capital

MARTA because we all need to get around.

And yes there really are, white marigolds.

You can also find my now outdated Vita here. This was a successful vita.

And I have a relatively new personal professional page too.